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Hands in black gloves hold the manipulator with the microblading needle and draw her hair

We only use premium sterile needles and pigments within our procedures including Brow Daddy.

Hairstroke Eyebrows

This procedure is the most popular treatment for realistic eyebrows. Using our high end digital machine or a disposable microblade, eyebrows are expertly drawn on with a fine needle to mimic individual real hairs .


FROM £295 Including Top up Treatment 4-6 weeks later


Powder / Ombre Eyebrows

Powder Eyebrows are a great treatment for clients with very fair hair requiring just a hue of colour. Or for clients with a preference for the popular Ombre Shaded Brow for super defined power brows.

This procedure can also be combined with hairstrokes for a more enhanced and defined result.


FROM £295  Including Top up Treatment 4-6 weeks later

Combination Eyebrow

The combination brow is a mix of the hairstroke technique combined with a shaded brow resulting in more depth to the brow than hairstrokes alone. We can also design an ombre brow with this technique with hairstrokes to the front of the brow, building to a powdered tail.


FROM £295 Including Top up Treatment 4-6 weeks later

20% discount is offered to anyone undergoing cancer treatment with a letter of consent from the Oncologist.


Microbladed Eyebrows

A different method of pigment implantation.

Using a disposable hand tool with different needle configurations - this method achieves very natural, subtle results. Small channels are made using the hand tool and pigment is deposited into the dermal layer of the skin where it fades over time ( 9 months - 2 years depending on client skin type, age, environmental factors and sun exposure)  


FROM £295  Including Top up Treatment 4-6 weeks later

Colour Boost 

Annual colour boost is recommended to keep your treatment fresh and defined. Colour boosts procedures that are taken over 12 months from the original treatment and are very faded may require 2 sessions are charged as per new client rate.



Prior to SPMU and Microblading; A consultation and patch test is required before treatment can begin. 


During consultation we will discuss medical history including allergies and determine which type of procedure is best for your skin type and the result you are looking for.


Sometimes a combination of procedures is required to obtain the best results.


All treatments include two procedures, sometimes a third procedure is required and is chargeable at a flat rate of £80. This is a goodwill gesture and is dependant on client healing.

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